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Album Review: 3Teeth – Metawar

Mightily Toothsome

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. Once upon a time I woke up feeling a little under the weather, they say that an Affluenza bug is doing the rounds and people are hyper just thinking about it. Another day, another dime, another dollar in the factory where hell is manufactured and sold on to the enamoured and enraptured beings that have been absolutely coerced and controlled to the limits and beyond. They have forgotten how to think, how to act, how to reason, they are left with less than they were born with. A miserable and solitary existence, they take the fall for anyone who sees their gullibility and their inability.

A blackout in the works saved us somewhat and we were told to leave early. Grateful for the escape I walked, not knowing where really, just aimless, feeling that mirrored my soul, my heart, my mind. Before I knew it, I had walked up to a landfill, the last place on Earth I needed to be, my life was already overloaded with rubbish of one sort or another. The advent of new technology, digitally enhanced everything, including humans, nothing is of any real, quantitative value. Life is now a series of sliding doors for some and revolving doors for others. Time is not the great healer that was once held in high regard, we are its’ captives, its’ slaves, if you will. The tick, tick, ticking is constant and oppressive.

With no option but to surrender, give up and join the masses hellbent on selling their souls, their bodies, their faces to the new kingdom of Insta, a vivacious and buoyant nation, no rules here my friend, just wall to wall mind fuckery. With no leader to guide us, no saviour to alter our course, already lines had been drawn and we all are headed to where ‘X’ marks the spot. I’m not entirely sure the treasure will be as golden as you would imagine.

I exxxited the main road at the junction not wanting to go home as I knew what would happen, but I also knew about the weapon sequestered therein, and therefore had knowledge of the possible consequences. I was never pumped up about anything but now a strange realisation swept over me. A kid with a gun, and the world held to ransom. A battle of wills? Maybe, but there would only be one winner in this Metawar.

3Teeth – Metawar out now via Century Media

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