Where Eagles Dare!
The berserker (ancient Nordic warrior) that graces the cover of this record strikes a very imposing figure. With his stand and deliver pose – complete with medieval weaponry and costume- he represents the mighty gladiatorial fighters of old. Amon Amarth ( ‘mountain of fate’ to those familiar with Tolkien) have unleashed their eleventh album for our delectation and , oh boy, what a rollicking, runaway train ride it is.
A treasure hunt beckons as we head out in search of ‘Fafner’s Gold’ and the tales of dragon slaying, avenging the death of a loved one, weekend warrior heroics and all such fireside anecdotes are retold to the thumping great melodies herein.
Johan Hegg, he of the extremely husky voice, entertains like a man possessed as he and his cohorts dive in and are relentless in their efforts to perform to a standard that is probably immeasurable.
‘Mjὄlner’, the Nordic name for the hammer of Thor, is utterly captivating and breath-taking, growl away my friends to these rugged and robust rhythms that would awaken any dragon from his slumber. Prepare to fight, prepare to stand tall and never surrender against the back drop of these energy giving, revitalising songs.
I taste a little Brainstorm in ‘Shield Wall’ as our Swedish friends ‘once again set their sails’ for another gripping saga, to ‘fly across the open sea to where we can be free’.
How wondrous it all sounds ducklings, and with stunning riffs like the one at 2.31 in ‘Wings Of Eagles’, we thank the gods for Amon Amarth.
It is time to heave your battered bodies, crawl through the bloodied and sweating masses, scream at the intense pain and still see that we are bound for glory through our teary and weary eyes.
There is a ‘Berserker At Stamford Bridge’ as we wade ‘Into The Dark’ for the finish and celebrate feeling alive to the tune of death metal.
Raise your horns, my friends, wave the ceremonial flag and welcome this symphony wholeheartedly.
Journey on this incredibly exhilarating and daring adventure, over land, sea and sky, leave on swift wings to lands far, far away.
Amon Amarth – Berserker out now via Metal Blade.