Live Review: Stand Atlantic, SHADED and In Her Own Words at Asylum 2 Birmingham

Stand Atlantic

Global Warming

Who lit a fire under this lot, eh?

My friends what we have on offer tonight is a spectacular line up, spanning three continents (no, not incontinence, pay attention please), USA, Europe( although it’s a bit hokey cokey at the moment, in or out we were here to shake it all about) and Australia, all squished into the top floor of The Asylum, quite apt really, I think.

Our own British invasion first to set the scene as SHADED launch themselves around the tiny stage but are not at all put off by it. A band of twirling and whirling dervishes, who kick and jump their way through a banger of a set, and all I can do is stand and watch as the crowd draws nearer to appreciate their efforts.


Singer, Matt, calls on the fans to “bring it in Birmingham” and heavens to Betsy we did!

From “A Familiar Love” through “Dream Girl”, “Better With You” it was a short, sharp, but quite a sweet shock to the system, very Trash Boat in its feel and attitude. I cannot stress this enough, please go out and support these bands my friends.

Closing with my favourite “Tell Me” it was time to strap on that famous aqua coloured guitar and strum like crazy.

A fan offered a much-needed beverage to Matt, much to his surprise.

It was hot in the shade tonight ( KISS anyone?) and I really must learn to jump and jive before the next show.

Make way for our American friends, In Her Own Words, and my what a merry bunch they are. Under these “Silver Lights” we were far from “Strangers” as they reached into the crowd and sang with an integrity and a yearning to perform a brilliant set. I really feel that live shows add another dimension and give a more rounded and accurate account of what a band can do.

In Her Own Words

The singer, Joey, looks remarkably like Sam from Architects, I swear he’s a doppelganger. The band crunched and punched their way through a mental set as we cheered them on and “Right Now” we wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

It was getting quite tight and sweaty as more bodies moved forward to bathe in the glory of rock music. Hallelujah, ladies and gents.

Stand In The Place Where You Work

Not quite REM my friends but our  Australian cousins (I wanna fly and run ‘til it hurts, sleep for a while and speak no words) Stand Atlantic who are headlining this mad little gig, in the littlest room they could find. We, however, are not complaining, in fact lets all jump around like bullfrogs to the accompanying beat, served up by Bonnie and crew, as security really earned their keep tonight in this crowdsurfers paradise. It is fantastic to see the crowd singing every word, as we push the band forward through a carnival of candy -striped choruses.

Stand Atlantic

Fancy taking off your pants and jacket( Blink 182 anyone) for a spot of “Skinny Dipping? It might be sweltering in here, but still a tad nippy outside. Which brings me to a confession, just after halfway I had to leave as I could feel myself losing consciousness due to the heat. I grabbed this moment to have a natter with SHADED at merch, and told them what a wuss I was, they were very kind and laughed politely. I caught the rest of the set from the back of the room, watching a burgeoning mass of bodies, hang on right until the end. With tales of heartbreak – “Toothpick” and the desire of “Coffee At Midnight”, and the punisher “Lavender Bones to close, we prised ourselves apart and made our way home.

An evening of fortification from all three nations, ladies and gents,

I could cover it up… but I won’t lie.