Credit Jimmy Hubbard
Chokehold, Chokehold, Woah!
No, not Slaves , my friends but our Norwegian cousins Kvelertak, which is what the name means, who for our delectation are here tonight with Mutoid Man( formed by ex- members of Converge and Cave In) to open the evening’s proceedings. Not having heard any work by MM, I was drawn in by the frenetic fretwork that they offer and with opener “Melt Your Mind” it was ideal as I had just come in from the frozen wilds of Birmingham. It was a “Date With The Devil” tonight and it would be the “Kiss Of Death” for me had I not kept up with the speedy delivery of the songs. Likened to a stampede, it was a pretty lively set and I for one will be looking out for more from them in the future.
Norway, land of ice and snow, home of murderous metal, burning churches and the artist previously known as Euronymous (RIP), we now, thankfully have a friendlier and more accessible group who charged onto the stage and began stomping around like there’s no tomorrow. The setlist was in their native tongue, but that did not bother me one bit as I was engrossed in the spectacle that was unfolding before me. the music was brilliant, and the group gave their all, even in the set closing ceremonial flag waving. Songs included “Nekroskop”, “1985” and “Kvelertak”, just stunning melodies, easy to listen to and a fantastic start to the evening.
I remembered seeing the video for “Bruane Brenn” with the young boys in the caravan, which reminded me of the video for “Clouds Over California” by Devildriver, and I was transported into another world. I warmed myself in the apricitic glow that enveloped the venue, as everyone readied themselves, and steadied themselves for what we were about to receive.
However, at the end of the set someone behind me said it was “shockingly shite”, I daren’t turn around because I really enjoyed myself. It’s funny how opinions vary even though we were watching the same show. Maybe it is revelatory about me and my taste in music, I wasn’t gonna be overly concerned about that.
Mastodon The Mighty
It’s freezing tonight- I’m British born and bred so I’m used to the cold, but when you are waiting for two hours to get inside the venue, I find myself morphing into Snegurochka ( see The Snow Maiden), my teeth chattering uncontrollably.
After the hugely enjoyable opening sets, Mastodon strode onto the nicely warmed stage and continued the onslaught after a genteel intro of “ Singing In The Rain” they launch into “Iron Tusk” , “March of the Fire Ants” and ”Steambreather” amongst the “Precious Stones” on display here. Brent Hinds is a man of few words; his energy is focussed and channelled into giving a top -notch performance. He paused occasionally to introduce some songs, but when Brann Dailor began singing, I’m sorry, but I took leave of my senses. Sculpting a stupendous set from an extensive body of work, we were treated to a barrage of spine- tingling tunes that just increased in velocity and intensity as the show progressed. A journey that tests your endurance, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Quite aptly named after a prehistoric, monolithic beast, not unlike a woolly mammoth, these guys are far from being an endangered species, they are the learned professors of metal who impart their wisdom to a ravenous crowd. I clapped along incessantly like a demented sea-lion!
Mastodon have a meticulous work ethic, they are industrious, efficient and competent, the show tonight highlights their accomplishment. This is the cherry on top of the icing on top of the most delicious cake you have ever tasted( om nom nom…). My stand out tunes are “Chimes at Midnight” and “Ancient Kingdom” and accompanied by the most incredible pit (was that you Andy, who I met at August Burns Red in December?) , there were smiles all around. The entertainment value was heightened by the appearance of Scott Kelly (Neurosis) who joined in this metal maniacs singalong and socked it to us on “Scorpion Breath”, “Crystal Skull” and the anthemic “Blood And Thunder” alongside other such tasty titbits.
To finish the evening, Mr Dailor spoke to us briefly, conveying messages of gratitude and love to the fans who support them wholeheartedly. We accepted this gift, as precious as any gem, and the lucky few grabbed a drumstick that was thrown in their direction.
You don’t know what we all came from and what we are going back to but thank you for the most amazing experience tonight. Truly overwhelming.