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Album Review: Taking Back Sunday – Twenty

Twenty Years? Makedamnsure!

Happy Birthday to Taking Back Sunday who turn the grand old age of “Twenty” this year and here we have a barnstorming set of tunes to mark this most joyous of occasions.

Cuteness is cut to the quick as we put pedal to the metal and witness a history lesson unlike any other.

Now stop fidgeting, sit up straight and pay attention or it’s off to the headmaster’s office with you.

So, last summer when the wolves left New Jersey, I was still under the influence, was it just a phase in this game of life? Or maybe it was the game changer I had prayed for. It had been a decade, could it really have been that long? I was stunned. Your friends knew that you had a gun to my head, how I wished you would let it go to your head. Outside the window I could see so much more, I was certain I was worth more than this. I knew that lies were involved somewhere along the way, but I had no knowledge of the liar. There was a rustling behind me. I spun around, a sharp and distinct one- eighty and saw someone, or something. A ghost maybe? A figment of my imagination? If only I could make damn sure.

I should hate you for this; but I refuse to waste any more precious time and energy, as I still can’t make you admit that you were wrong.

It was more than I could hope for; a blue heaven in my Godawful summer. It was my lack of faith that I let you sink into me as I fell for your charms, your passions and your impassions as you decreed that everything must go. It was your apartment, your home, your garden; it’s not for me or where I want to be. I’m not ashamed anymore; I’ll say it “I won’t come back” because I know now that you need me defenceless, dependent and alone. You’re an addict for dramatics, so arrogant it frustrates me, I just wonder how long will this hold?

I am everything you want because I am everything you’re not, it’s why you broke me down so badly. I wouldn’t quote the good book at me, not now; as that would give me the chance to throw it back at you.

I won’t think of you again, I won’t close my eyes, I won’t settle. However, I think about the words you said, more so the ones you left out, they are the ones that keep me awake.

Engulfed by this emotional tidal wave, I ran: wanting to get rid of all I ever knew, wanting a better home and not this untended waste of a garden I was trying to untangle. The light in my life, once faded, now flickered, enough for me to see that I would no longer look back.

I won’t call you to come running Dan, I’m now ready to go.

When reality bites, you can call me in the morning, just to make damn sure.

Taking Back Sunday- Twenty out now via Craft Recordings

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