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Live Review: Anti Flag, Worriers and Cancer Bats at Birmingham’s Asylum


Bat Infestation? Nothing to Worry About!

I feel kinda sorry for support bands as they have to carry the weight of warming the stage for the rest of the night. Not having heard any music from Worriers, I didn’t know what to expect. They immediately took to the stage and blasted their way through the 30 mins or so with song after infectious song, Lauren was in decidedly “play until my fingers bleed” mood. Their sound reminded me of Tsunami Bomb, there was an honesty and an intent to pulverise that has been fashioned out of struggle and a desire to be the best at what they do. I’m hoping to see a lot more of these guys. I spoke to Lauren and Liam (Cancer Bats) at the merchandise stall afterwards, both very warm, appreciative of the attention. I also bought a Worriers pin for my jacket which I shall wear with pride and spread the word until long after the cows have come home.

Full of gusto, full of confidence, I think Worriers have nothing to worry about.

The venue filling up nicely in anticipation of Cancer Bats who, armed with the heavyweight back catalogue of work were ready to give you a damn good hiding. I felt the ground shake beneath me as singer Liam danced around madly like a man demented, the fans enjoying every moment of this blistering, high energy set. From “Gatekeeper” to “Bricks & Mortar” and crossing all points germane in between this was the catharsis we needed. Let’s take a well-earned rest in “Lucifer’s Rocking Chair” – not on your nelly missus- the crunchy, crunchy guitar won’t let you. Someone once said (online obviously) that they never knew Canadians could be fun, I’d love to have seen them escape the carnage tonight with all their faculties intact.

Watching concerts like this really makes you appreciate the endeavour that artists undertake to bring you live music, it is an essential part of life.
A fan shouted, “play a fast one” and so they did. A continuous assault on the senses, and the crowd didn’t mind one little bit.

A surprise appearance as Chris No 2 stomps around for the stratospheric “Sabotage” and the crowd lost the plot. A rollicking set from a band who gave everything and gained a loyal and unrelenting following in return. I’d say that’s a mighty fine payoff. The fans chanting their name over and over until it really was time to go. Proper throw yourself against the wall metal, after watching these two bands, I am invincible.

Stand Tall – Stand Together

Amidst the ever- increasing crowd, we jiggle about to a positively ball- busting selection of Punk classics as the crew do their thing, there’s New Rose, London Calling and Blitzkrieg Bop for our delectation.
After an agonising mic check, Punk as fuck, Anti Flag emerge out of the darkness and grab the venue by the nether regions and continue tearing it to shreds.

We are told to “Die For Your Government” by a band in full attack mode, spurred on by the recent attacks in their hometown, they have come with a message of solidarity, of hope, of friendship as the audience is encouraged to “make a friend at the show tonight”. I feel an arm around my shoulder and I reciprocate, as we dance away our troubles to the soundtrack that illuminates and energises us all.
Hail the circle pit, without which a punk gig would be like Billy No-Mates, standing all on his lonesome, but not here, as the crowd gathers momentum and offers themselves up for the sacrifice. The band rip through a set that contains Fuck Police Brutality, Broken Bones, Racists, This Is the End, and with my favourite American Attraction, my heart is ready to explode.

It’s the strangest sensation as I watch Chris No.2 bouncing all over the stage – I swear he is part kangaroo, or maybe a descendent of Tigger, he is such fun to watch. I interviewed him a couple of hours ago and it is amazing to see the transformation from just sitting on a sofa to being onstage.
We offer our congratulations to Pat on becoming a father, hence his absence from the show, and his cohorts cheer at the prospect of more upstarts like ourselves. Chris No.2 engages beautifully with the fans, his words are damning yet accurate and punctuate every bone, every nerve, every cell. These guys came with a message and delivered it masterfully. The crowd lapping it up, singing along, such loyalty is the envy of many bands. After 25 years you can consider this a successful marriage.
Electrifying, they raised the roof and sent us all hurtling skywards, just astounding.

Chris implores us to “take it easy but fucking take it” and to “leave things better than we fucking found them”, he has some great words and knows how to use them to galvanise an audience. In the current climate of fear and dejection, this is exactly what we needed.

Lauren from Worriers is invited to sing The Cranberries (RIP Dolores) “Salvation”, it is an enchanting and heartfelt moment before the concert ends with “Brandenburg Gate” and I feel myself gravitating towards Chris who has made his way into the waiting crowd. I’m close, but not close enough yet I sing with a fire that has warmed me through and through.

Just the ticket on this cold, cold night.

We have Justin proclaiming his undying love to the tune of “ I Will Always Love You” and the fans indulge him for a while, in a show peppered with humour it makes the difficult messages a little easier to swallow.

We are one, always will be, thank you Anti Flag.
In an industry that is rife with injustice, it is encouraging to see headline bands supporting the newcomers.

For the music industry to succeed and survive, take a leaf out of the “Anti Flag How To…” guide and offer a hand up, not a hand out.

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