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Album Review: Richard Ashcroft – Natural Rebel

Music Is Power

Recent reports in the press talk of how a troubled person was saved from suicide by the music of Richard Ashcroft. My heart stopped as I read the details and saw the sensitive and thoughtful reply. Music has incredible power, and substance and can reach millions at lightning speed. Not to downplay the medical profession whose efforts are often overlooked, but finding a coping mechanism is essential in part of the recovery. Sometimes that can be easier said than done.
The words “accomplished musician” is a label that is stuck on randomly, with little thought or consideration, sometimes incorrectly. It’s like demonising a classic, vintage wine that has aged gracefully and purposefully. Richard Ashcroft is an artist whose music has inspired and endured.
“All My Dreams” is the friendly handshake – inviting and warm – hold on and don’t let go. Sit down with your beverage of choice and forget your troubles, Mr Ashcroft is here with the big broom to shove them out of the door.
“Birds Fly” has a beautiful chorus, enrapturing vocals from start to finish.

The single “Surprised by the Joy” features the album title “Natural Rebel”. It is summery, carefree and very “Wake up it’s a beautiful morning” in its vibe.
It is on point with a line that celebrities will relate to
“someone filming you wherever you go”.
There is a joy in the simple things; quite often we are distracted by other stuff life throws at us and are dismissive of the walk in the park that may sound frivolous, but it can be hugely cathartic. We really do need reminding of how to spend our time well.

“That’s How Strong” drifts along nicely, simple words and music, then striding into “Born to Be Strangers” with your guitar strapped on and strutting around like a mean thing “seeking out danger.” Under the “ticker tape shower” from “That’s When I Feel It” is a tune that will put a spring in your step.
“We All Bleed” has a sort of bluesy start, almost sombre in feel then we head into “A Man In Motion” who walks the “Streets Of Amsterdam” we are on familiar ground.
A more upbeat “Money Money” finishes the album that is the fifth solo effort.

This album bounces along gently, as always it will be one for the fans. I can see where some may find the songs repetitive as the tone and delivery is similar.

“I wanna live, I wanna die”

There’s a sentiment that is at the heart of music.

Azra Pathan

Richard Ashcroft – Natural Rebel out on 19th October via RPA

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