Album Review: Beartooth – Disease

Spreading The Disease

How depression has infiltrated our world is astounding. The alarming rate and frequency of cases we hear is more than I can stomach. There are, of course, the stories that do not come to light, for me this is where music may help to address issues for those who cannot muster the courage to do so. From the Beartooth back catalogue, “In Between” is the song I play over and over, it gives me the strength when I have none.
This new record brings us “Greatness or Death”, this is quite literally a life choice for those who see no other way out. It is a disconnect and a societal failure that none of us should be proud of.
“I’m married to my problems” describes how depression takes hold and it is difficult to shake off.
In the title track “Disease” we hear singer, Caleb Shomo ask, “is the noose getting tight?” and “will the end make me whole again?” it is gut wrenching to believe that your death will bring peace to the lives of others.
Amidst the brutality of “Fire” we have a lovely little chorus part, melodic and euphoric that sits nicely beside the lyrics,
“sink a little lower, get a little higher, finger on the trigger, scream ready, aim, fire”

With “You Never Know” we consider if we should “roll over and die” as the vortex takes control and we spin uncontrollably, at a dizzying speed, and we succumb to the madness.
“I’m not deaf I’m just a real bad listener” is next, I’d say that was true of us all. The songs keep hurtling towards us, it is a continuous reminder that we are trapped by our demons, they play with us, they torture, they are incessant. A brief respite when we realise “guess I’m just human Afterall” and we try and rationalise our insecurities and anxieties.
Beware of those who you think may want to help, “this isn’t trust, this is manipulation” is a stark warning from these lads.
“I’m not fragile like you think” from “Enemy” gives us a hope that we will be alright. Sometimes strength comes from within, it may take some time to show, but when it does, oh boy……everyone WILL know.
The rousing start of “oh, oh, oh, oh’s” have us punching the air to “Believe” that there are better times ahead, we need to hold on and fight our way through the quagmire.

“Why did I fall in line? It left me blind” A nail in the coffin for those who like people to tow their line, the “do as I say and not as I do” brigade.
Beartooth keep hammering home these vital messages as we call out those who oppress, those who like to beat people down with “Used and Abused” and it is as the song says a paralysing situation, a vicious containment, that is inescapable.
Likened to the Ouroboros, tail devouring snake, this is a cyclical torment that resurrects itself to recommence the loathsomeness and hatefulness we feel.
A “Clever” way to finish this album and we sing “I feel like death and me are walking hand in hand.”
One man’s darkest thoughts, written in his darkest hours. This is a formidable record – accurate, unflinching and honest, but also deeply worrying.

This is not for the faint hearted, it is a frenzied, assault on the senses, Caleb writhes in the pit of fire, we feel his anguish and we throw ourselves in of our own volition. It is a record filled with misery and wretchedness; but it is not flippant in any way. We have the odd glint of positivity, but for the lion’s share we are in the depths of a depression that will touch each extremity, leaving you ravaged by this most savage beast that has ensconced itself in our lives.

Azra Pathan

Beartooth – Disease out now via Red Bull Records.