Album Review: Century Thirteen – Self-Titled Album

Scottish Alternative Punk-Popsters Century Thirteen releases their debut full length, self-titled release on July 18th. Opener ‘Get Off’ has an ultra-catchy chorus and a bruising modern, Punk for everyone, edge. ‘Is It Just Me’ has some chopping guitars and pregnant pauses aplenty while ‘Blow Up The Open World’ pounds with the repetitive sound of a body hitting the canvas. The snare is tightened for America meets Glasgow run through of familiar sing-a-long, hands in the air type fare. The fast ‘n’ loose guitars on ‘Not My Place’ give the track a Libertines sharing a squat with The Wildhearts kind of vibe which bizarrely works. The album slightly tails off towards the end, which may have more to do with the number of songs rather than the quality. However ‘A Million Times’ and ‘Dark Descent’ both highlight the band’s undeniable songwriting talent. A debut to be proud of and some. For more info on CT check the bands Facebook page.



Century Thirteen, self-titled, self-released debut album.
