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Ay Wing shares her new video for the gleaming electro-pop of ‘Strange’

”Strange’ tries to find humour in an age where many of our own identities seem based on an insta-filter and the right angle.’ Ay Wing

A parody of 21st-century digital narcissism, the video partnering Strange, the latest dazzling electro-pop release from Ay Wing, features the singer cast as various iconic movie characters, transported into the social media arena, taking selfies in the most precarious situations. Thus we have everyone from Princess Leia to Morticia Addams to Uma Thurman’s Mia Wallace wielding the selfie stick at inopportune moments.

Inspired by Andy Warhol’s celebrated ‘…famous for 15 minutes’ quote, Strange continues Berlin-based singer-songwriter Ay Wing’s run of smart, slick poppy nuggets, with its bouncy synth foundations, indisputable earworm of a chorus and even a Baroque-style breakdown all sure to rack up the likes and shares on the very social media channels it cheekily pokes fun at.

The track forms part of a new EP, Ice Cream Dream – three colourful takes on eclectic electronica and kaleidoscopic psych pop that encapsulate Ay Wing’s joyful partnering of sweet, seductive tunery with subject matter and songcraft of great depth.

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A singer, songwriter, producer, performer and bandleader, Swiss-born, Berlin-based Ay Wing has it pretty much covered when it comes to ensuring her beat-driven fluorescent synthpop is exactly as she wants it. And, primarily, she wants it so that her audience dance and her listeners are entranced. Big on retro synths, bouncy guitar riffs and dirty beats, hers is accessible electronica of the classic kind, savvy three-minute pop bangers enhanced by Ay Wing’s strict attention to the most exacting musical detail.

Prior to the release of the Ice Cream Dream EP in the spring of 2018, Ay Wing has been prolific in her appearances on stages across Europe, from clubs to open-air festivals to sweaty live-music dens, making sure that all who see her recognise a new pop star-in waiting. ‘Ice Cream Dream’, in all its technicolour glory, backed by further showcase gigs across Europe, will ensure that Ay Wing will not be waiting for long.

See AY Wing live

Weds 2 May: Klunkerkranich, Berlin

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