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EP Review: Cope – Tooth & Nail

London five-piece COPE don’t just attack the Punk genre they literally slit its throat before smearing themselves in the blood from its still pumping veins – By Guy Shankland.’Tooth & Nail’ is angry, nasty and loud. Crunching riffs, devilish drumming, brutal bass are all topped off with some glass gurgling vocals. Hardcore, testosterone-laced opener ’Stray Bullets’ is followed by the equally vicious ‘Tooth & Nail’. ‘Neo-Nasty’ kicks like a spiced up mule, while ‘Many Faces’ shifts between Death Metal to a slightly more melodic Punk-ish Billy Talent, with vocals to match the musical pace. ‘Populism’ has a stop-start flow while E.P closer ‘The Great Divide’ sails close to many genres shores without settling on any particular island. COPE are socially aware Punk Rock for 2017, craft ale, tattoos, beards and fashionable high street brands with that slightly distressed look. It’s Punk Joe but not as we know it, all said, T&N is a brutally real release.