Brighton four-piece MUSKETS debut album is a Grunge fuelled mouth open, Grunge ‘N’ Roll, all out mastication – By Guy Shankand. First track ‘Pond Drop’ has a druggy Foo’s vibe which is interspersed with laconic vocals and some stupendous drumming. Next up is the emotive ‘Seventeen Years’ complete with a rasping shouty chorus, scratchy guitars and a familiar bass backbone. ‘Chewing Gum’ sits somewhere between Green Day and Fugazi in sound and touch, while ‘Breathing’ lacks direction as it tries to be, all (alternative) things to all men. ‘Frankie Stable’, ‘Could You Wait’ and lead single ’You Are So Cool’ follow the steady Grunge path, only stopping briefly to dip their toes in the Radio friendly Pop pond. ‘Truck’ motors safely along with the meaty come as you are ‘Umbilical’ completing this enjoyable release. The argument on whether Grunge has anything left in the creative tank is for another day. Muskets have plenty of fire it’s just a question of genre ammunition.
No Sleep Records