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Beaumont Announce New EP

Birmingham pop rock quintet Beaumont are pleased to announce their return with a new EP titled Honestly set for release on 15th September 2017 via Reclaim Music (PVRIS, Light You Up, A Loss For Words).

The band will hit the road on a short UK tour supporting The Gospel Youth and Milestones in September (see below for dates).

To celebrate, they’ve revealed a video for the EP’s opening track, Happiness/Joy, which you can watch below!

YouTube Poster

Front man Spencer Edmonds comments on the track: ‘Happiness/Joy is about a time when I was going through a rough patch mentally. A lot was getting me down and I was struggling with day to day tasks like eating, sleeping and getting out of bed.

‘The song is about happiness winning over sadness in my mind. Happiness has always been a stranger to me, a utopia and an unattainable goal, but, day by day I’m learning to understand what happiness means to me. If I can come out of the other side then so can anybody else & life can win over death.’

With an admirable passion and resilience amidst what they call the “miserable and mundane” surroundings of their home city, Beaumont have got a flair for an unusual melody with a melancholy twist as evidenced on this latest record, produced by John Mitchell (Lower Than Atlantis, You Me At Six) at Outhouse studios.

Whilst much has been made of Edmonds’ juxtaposition of dour imagery and lyricism with the band’s brash, upbeat pop rock, there are plenty of rays of sunshine and hope shining through on the new EP, which serves as another bold statement of much bigger things to come if this lot have their way – Edmonds and the band clearly aren’t about to stop clawing their way back towards the Happiness and Joy they allude to in the single’s title.

After tours alongside Light You Up, WSTR and Homebound over the last couple of years, the quintet will soon be taking their brand of gloomy, matter-of-fact pop rock back on the road with live dates TBA.

Honestly is released 15th September 2017

September 2017 UK Tour Dates:

21.09.17 – Birmingham – The Flapper
22.09.17 – Cardiff – The Zen Bar*
23.09.17 – Glasgow – Audio

*Beaumont only

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