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Live Review: Sacred Reich at Camden Underworld

A rammed Underworld welcomes Arizona Thrash Metal pioneers SACRED REICH to it’s sweat drenched Rock ‘N’ Roll interior – By Guy Shankland. The four piece launch into a set of crowd pleasing floor fillers which fire us back to a simpler time of wearing white high tops, tight jeans, tour T-shirts and using the word NOT, a lot. Thrash has never really gone away neither has it ever reached the heights of those golden 86-89 years when the big four ruled the Metal world. SR may never have hit the Anthrax/Metallica/Slayer/Deth commercial heights but on a steamy July evening they remind those inside just what a potent live force they were and continue to be. ‘Ignorance’, ‘One Nation’ and ‘Love Hate’ turn the front few rows into a middle age moshing time warp of red smiling faces. They’re all here for the thrill, danger and nostalgic interaction that you only get in Thrash/Speed Metal circle pit. The mainly male dance floor hoovers up the bands back catalogue and responds with a guttural almost Nordic roar. After a disarmingly honest mid set chat about suicide the mood is lifted with the duo of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ and an incendiary  ‘Who’s To Blame’. ’Death Squad’ and the brutally catchy ’Surf Nicaragua’ wrap up three decades of blissful ignorance, Sacred style.