Interview: Blind Hen talk latest EP

Blind Hen started in 2015, originally formed by Antti Valkama and Tero Kalliomäki. Quickly after that joined Teppo Tirkkonen and Joonas Pykälä-Aho.

The band includes people from bands like Embassy Of Silence, The Purifiction and Amberian Dawn and is from Findland. (Riihimäki, Hyvinkää and Helsinki).

Blind Hen have released have released four singles and three music videos. All tracks have been recorded and mixed by their guitarist Tero Kalliomäki at his own studio Studio KillHill. There are altogether nine songs recorded,with one being a cover song Down In A Hole from Alice In Chains. All of the band’s songs tells a story from Leonardo DiCaprio movies. That was the singer Teppo`s idea and people have really liked that.

They have recently released an EP titled Life you can check out Catch below!


We managed to catch up with the lads as they talk about the release and more!

How has the release of ‘Life’ gone down so far with fans?

Yeah people have liked it. And the reviews have been good.  

We are have played the songs from ”Life” on live gigs and we have given many thanks that they are finally on hands of everybody. Still there is songs in ”storage” waiting for release.

Tell us something about the EP no one knows

It was made almost always sober ?

What is your favourite song from the release?

At this moment my favourite is The Maze. It is the first song that we made with guitarist Tero Kalliomaki. We just kept it hanging, the Ep was good reason to release it. Riff of the song was born at the very first jam session that we had. Song had some form, but couple of days later Tero send me a message that he had finished the song. Joonas Pykala-Aho played awesome drums to it (as always) and Teppo Tirkkonen made up story about the film The Shutter Island.

What has been your funniest moment while recording the EP?

Hmm… We recorded the Ep at the studios and there was a young dog puppy living in the same house that the studio is. Puppy was of course very happy to see us and he always tried to do his best at jewing our shoes and actually every thing that was left on the floor. There was a little gate for the puppy on studio door and he just sat there and watched us play.

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?

That would be Alice In Chains. Band is a great influence for us all and one of the main reasons that we started Blind Hen. And Jerry Cantrell is a amazing song writer and singer.

Will you be touring at all this year?

I would not say touring. We play gigs sometimes more, sometimes less. There is planning us playing cities thourought Finland at the end of this year, but that is not concluded yet.

Will you ever tour the UK?

Yes, if someone asks us there and gets us gigs we would certainly come to UK.

What’s the alternative music scene like in Finland?

It is small, but it has it fans. Finland is known for it`s metal bands, but we have lot´s of great bands in many forms of rock. Bands like Kingston Wall, Kyyria, Wigwam.. Amazing bands which everyone had their strong own style. Luckily we have many good clubs and bars to play in.

What do you get up to in your spare time?

We are all family men so lot`s of time with our families. Of course normal day job takes a of lot time, but something has to be done before Blind Hen gets bigger ?