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EP Review: Youth Killed It – Welcome To The Happy Girls Club


Youth Killed It have been incredibly busy this year, not only have they spent the time creating their unique sound but they have also been doing so in the shadow of their former moniker Under The Influence. With the Norwich boys now being based in London they are not resting on the laurels of their old names success but are taking a new direction and wasting no time with this being the second release this year following on from the previous EP Welcome To The Sad Boys Club ( read what we thought of it here: ). Now with this second release have the guys improved in the short space of time or is it much of the same?

The answer is that throughout the four songs present on this EP, there is definite progress on almost all fronts. Opening the EP is the previously single Molly which wasted no time in showing that the fun factor in the band has definitely not left but the sound is much more established. Combining the bounce of rock music with indie styles guitars that is all brought together by a vocal assualt clearly influenced by the grime scene we have a brilliant, unique and fun sound that is encapsulated brilliantly on this track. Not only that but the listener can tell the band love what they are doing here, a true songwriting talent to possess.

Following this is EP highlight I Ain’t Ready For It which opens with a short build up before exploding into life with an in your face riff and vocal delivery. Although it still contains all the genre-bending and melding mentioned above, this track feels a lot more focused and although it would still be fun in a live environment, it is toned down on this track. The song brings to mind the songwriting talents of Marmozets with the grime delivery giving the song somewhat of a punk aesthetic to add to the mix of sounds used by Youth Killed It.

The fun factor returns on the following track simple titled FUDGE. Discussing the use and importance of GCSE in a very fun sounding track the band utilise somewhat of a cheerleader chant to very entertaining effect and are sure to have fans singing it at the top of their lungs on the road. This song is radio ready and could see the band fired into the stratosphere if it reaches the right audience due to it’s smile inducing and accessible nature.


The EP ends with the closer Lads In Love (Bowns Ballad) which although seems like it is going to be a ballad judging by the sounds of the intro, luckily it is not and launches into the same style of track that Youth Killed It are already marking their own. This track encapsulates everything that the band are all about with fun lyrics about how ‘sick’ their girlfriend is whilst keeping that fun bounce alive throughout the entire track. A vast;y entertaining end to an EP that is a genuine pleasure to listen to.

All in all, Youth Killed It are growing at a rapid rate with this EP giving more evidence that this band have the potential to go very far as long as they continue to evolve well within the sound that they have created for themselves and if there is more to come in the near future, it won’t be long before you see these guys on the covers of magazines and on the radio.

8/10 – Brilliant and fun, a genuine joy

Highlight – I Ain’t Ready For It

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