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Album Review: Red Fang – Only Ghost


Up & coming Metal Band Red Fang have released their new album entitled Only Ghost.

The albums first song ‘Flies’ starts off with a drum pedal by John Sherman & a catchy guitar riff made by guitarist David Sulliva, that later turns into something more heavy to suit Bryan Giles vocals, while bassist Aaron Beak compliments him, with his more cleaner vocals. An excellent opener to get the listener ready.

The second song ‘Cut it Short’ is just excellent all around. Having a Queens Of The Stone Age vibe, with a catchy guitar riff, an excellent rhythm selection & yes a ram pedal was used! Hendrix would be proud. But this leads to the shortest song on the album, ‘Flames’ which is an instrumental piece that fits the tone but something didn’t feel right as well, it’s good but I wish something was added to it.

‘No Air’ follows & with a distorted bass setting up the song. This number does a good job to blend Giles & Beaks vocals together to become an amazing heavy metal number. ‘Shadows’ follows beginning with Sherman’s drumming that’s simple but effective all throughout. The song almost has a classic rock vibe, but still feels like a Red Fang number. ‘Not For You’ is next & it’s definitely one of the albums catchiest numbers & one the crowd will love, with excellent vocals from both Giles & Beak, while guitarist David Sullivan helps the song with his distorted guitar.

You can check out music video for ‘Shadows’ below:

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‘The Smell of the Sound’ is next & it’s the albums most unique track with its heavy metal roots bring the showcase, but almost a progressive feeling presented too. Plus that bass by Beak is awesome. It if followed by “The Deep” which continues that trend, but follows Beak on vocals & it’s a sweet number.
This is followed by ‘I Am A Ghost’ which begins with an awesome rhythm section by Beak & Sherman as Giles more heavier vocals are more presented in this heavy metal piece, which has a very Black Sabbath vibe. The last number ‘Living in Lye’ starts with an intense drum roll by Sherman & Sullivan’s guitar playing helps the songs intensity, while Giles helps it give it that heavy flavour. There’s some awesome drumming & sweet solos presented that cap off what I think is an excellent record.


Overall I highly recommend Only Ghost it’s an awesome album with great guitar work, an awesome rhythm section & the vocals being pitch perfect. A very high 9/10!


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Album Review by Hassan Ul-Haq

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