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Lastoneout Share New Video For ‘He’s In A Bad Way’

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South West based ‘Polite-Post-Hardcore’ quartet, Lastoneout are back with their new mini album, This Was Never My Story, It’s Yours, featuring 7 tracks capable of filling the huge hole left in the UK scene by Funeral For A Friend’s departure earlier this year. You can check out He’s In A Bad Way from the album below.

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Lyrically, ‘He’s In A Bad Way’ deals with the struggle of trying to move forward – Wanting to help someone you love, someone you have known for a long time but you can’t, because they won’t help themself. Dealing with those inner demons and the battle to make the right decision. It’s about trying to find the answer amongst all those battling voices inside your head.

Speaking on He’s In A Bad Way guitarist Liam West said: ‘We are really excited to finally be releasing this video, it’s something that we really wanted to push ourselves with and make something that tells much more of a story this time, and it’s come out perfectly.

‘We can’t wait for people to see it and really hope that it gets everyone pumped for the mini album.’

The video was shot by Cloud Tank Films at bassist, Chris Booth’s house, which had been home for the band throughout the years. Unfortunately, the house was about to be sold on, so the band decided to annoy the neighbours for one final time and record the video before moving out.

This Was Never My Story, It’s Yours was recorded, produced and mastered by Ross Rothero Bourge at Cube Recording in Truro.

We all remember that one thing that we discovered in our mid-teens which would define who we would be until at least our early twenties. For some that was sport, others it was art, but for the Plymouth-based quartet, Lastoneout it was music, more specifically…

‘Emo’. Although at the time you would never admit to it, Emo music was the biggest thing in the mid 00’s, and for the members of Lastoneout, it soundtracked their day to day lives.

The mid 00’s Emo persuasion is clear to hear in Lastoneout’s new mini album, This Was Never My Story, It’s Yours. Bands like Funeral For A Friend, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy and Story Of The Year can be heard, seeping through as influences throughout the 7 tracks. ‘This Was Never My Story, It’s Yours’, is much more than a heartfelt tribute to that scene though – It’s Lastoneout’s attempt at keeping the genre alive, and demonstrates the desire and drive to recreate the energy and passion of those who came before them, and inspire the next generation.

Having already made considerable noise across the south-west, the band have already built a name for themselves as ones to watch. With a live show that captures the energy and passion of an early 00’s underground show but with all the precision and power of the modern alternative music scene, the band are always sure to put on an exciting show, no matter where they play.

The new mini album This Was Never My Story, It’s Yours will be released on the 4th November through all usual digital retailers and is available to pre-order now!

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