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Landmarks release new video for ‘With Clarity’


Following a stint of live dates, including crossing the narrow sea to visit Ireland, Manchester’s Landmarks are pleased to unveil a new video featuring tour footage from the run. Watch With Clarity below!

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Vocalist Brad taked about of the track’s content: ‘Thematically it revolves around a friendship that has deteriorated, something I witnessed first hand.

A close friend continued to make the same mistake again and again to the point where I felt like giving up on him.

But, thankfully, the situation was resolved, he got past it and he’s in a much happier place now emotionally. It was hard to see him going through such bad times – even if it was mostly down to his own bad decisions.”’

Taken from their recently released In Spite Of It All EP, the resounding message throughout is: ‘have the strength to stand up and continue moving forward despite any hardships and setbacks, be able to come out the other side with a smile on your face,’explains bassist and co-vocalist Adam. It was this strength they drew on in order to get the record out in August via Scylla Records, as the 5-tracker almost didn’t come to fruition, as Adam explains: ‘Everything was coming together swimmingly.

‘We had tracked drums, bass, guitars and vocals, and I had put a whole day into getting the harmonies just perfect…’

Yes, of course there is a ‘But’ – just as the band – completed by guitarist Nic and drummer Tom – were wrapping up their time in the studio, disaster struck, with the studio being broken into twice! Thankfully their producer Matt Heap recovered the majority of his equipment, allowing the EP to come together, and so, the EP’s title forms a middle finger to fate’s cruel hand.

In Spite Of It All sees Landmarks making a departure from their pop punk roots toward an alt-rock laced sound. Though still rich in melody, it’s an altogether more sombre affair, recalling the likes of Brand New in its downturned, more introspective aesthetic. Actively wanting to not simply ‘fit in’ they aimed for each track to be ‘a unique piece of music that shines through to the listener.’  Adam explains: ‘We wanted to strike a balance between the pop-punk band we began as, and the Alt-rock influences that began showing up more and more in our songwriting.

‘We aren’t trying to imitate what other bands are out there doing.’

In Spite Of It All Track Listing:
1. Translucent | 2. Cutting Strings | 3. Limb From Limb | 4. Friend Of Mine | 5. With Clarity

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