Autumn Ruin released their new EP We Make Our Own Damn Luck Square State Records last Friday. The Manchester pop punk quintet are currently making a name for themselves and it is no wonder with this latest EP. Straight away the EP starts off with it’s title song and it doesn’t take long before Alistair Carrington’s powerful vocals come into play. The track itself is a very catchy and has potential to be real winner for the band. Carrington’s superb voice is matched by the incredible guitar riffs from Alistair Dowey and Rob Galley who make this song have a real edge to it. If you’re a fan of Mallory Knox, then you certainly wouldn’t be disappointing with this particular track which is a solid edition to the EP and a perfect way to begin it. OneTwoThree starts off powerful with drummer Robert Lafferty giving a fantastic opening to the song. Carrington’s voice somehow gets even better and is cleverly filtered to provide an awesome sound for any fan of pop punk. Sam Gibon provides a killer bass like he does throughout the EP however with this song particular, really helps to bring that pop punk feel.

Next up is Rewrite which starts to be more of a stripped down version of the band, with Carrington showing that he has the ability to even be a pop star. Pop Punk fans around the country however would be glad that Carrington has chosen to use his ability in this awesome band. The track really is another solid element to the EP, and has potential to be played on any main stage at festivals. In fact Autumn Rain simply sound like they could bring an excellent edition to any festival or live set with these killer tunes. The penultimate song of the five track EP, Forward, shows a mixture of almost All Time Low and Busted to start of with however they soon to come in to their own. You can just tell fans around the country would love this edition to the EP. The last song No One Does We (Like We Do), almost starts with a very indie beat. However it doesn’t take long before the track turns pop punk real quick. Gibson’s bass playing really shines here as the beat compliments the catchy lyrics and vocals that the rest of band does so well. It also shows the band’s softer side with some high notes included within the song that compliments their powerful lyrics.
Rating 9/10: Has a lot of potential, I can see this band going places
Highlight: No One Does We (Like We Do), the song shows Autumn Rain’s softer side and really has potential to do the band wonders.