Anderson / Stolt, the brand new duo of legendary Yes vocalist & singer/songwriter Jon Anderson, and progressive rock veteran Roine Stolt (The Flower Kings, Transatlantic), recently released their debut album Invention of Knowledge via InsideOut Music. Now they are pleased to launch a video for the track Knowing which you can view below.
Jon Anderson was also recently announced as this year’s recipient of the Prog God accolade at the Progressive Music Awards 2016, set to take place in London on the 1st September 2016. Jon joins illustrious company, with previous winners representing some of the most legendary musicians in progressive rock, including Rick Wakeman, Peter Gabriel, Ian Anderson & Tony Banks.
Invention Of Knowledge charted in several countries upon release and you can find those below:
#61 – US Billboard Top Current Albums Charts
#21 – US Billboard Rock Chart
#18 – German Album Chart
#58 – UK Album Chart
#26 – Swiss Album Chart
#61 – Austrian Album Chart
#67 – Italian Album Chart
#56 – Dutch Album Chart
Jon Anderson recently had this to say about the new record: ‘…..Music is always the driving force in my life…working with such a wonderful musician as Roine Stolt made the creation of this album very unique,we are very excited with the release of Invention of Knowledge.’
Roine Stolt adds: ‘It is not aiming at being new Yes music; just new music, modern and classical, rock and ethno, tribal and orchestrated, grooving and floating. Hopefully in the true spirit of “progressive” – leaning forward, surprising and also comforting with familiar run-arounds.
‘We’ve been “inventing” as we go along – Jon is an endless source of new ideas.
‘We’ve been bouncing ideas back and forth for months and as a result there are probably dozens of versions of these songs.
‘It’s been a very interesting and rewarding time and the result is just insanely detailed.’
InsideOut label-head Thomas Waber comments: ‘I have been talking to Jon for ages about making an album of ‘Yes music’ – as Jon calls it – and Roine seemed like the perfect guy for him to work with.
‘I am really happy that it has finally happened and I am also thrilled with the material they have come up with. I think it will please a lot of fans!’